Welcome to Maija Fitness blog!
I’m so glad you’re here. Right now I’m busy writing you amazing blog articles, so stay tuned! Soon you will have more things to read. The blog will also give you free workout tips.
My mission is to improve your fitness with easy workouts.
That’s why soon I am publishing two courses:

Free 5 move workout
The first one is a FREE 5 move workout. It’s great if you are just starting to exercise after a long break of feel like you need to take things slow. It an easy, short routine that you can do regularly to improve your fitness level.
>> Click here to download the free 5 move workout
Half Hour Workouts – the easiest way to get in shape

The second resource I am about to publish is a full fitness course that will get you up from the couch!
This will be a thorough high-end training program that will get you in shape. You will see results in your body fairly quickly, especially if you’re just starting out.
This training program is best for you, if you haven’t been exercising for a while or feel like you need guidance along the way.
It’s built for a busy lifestyle, when you don’t have the possibility to go to the gym all the time, or if you do workout at the gym but also need a routine to do at home.
You don’t need any special equipment to participate, just some space in your own home.
Enrollment hasn’t been opened yet, but you can sign up for a waitlist here. When you do, I will send you en email as soon as enrollment opens (and of course I’ll give you a sweet early bird discount).
>> Sign up for the wait list of Half Hour Workouts by clicking here